Platform developed by the COR3 team which includes data and visualizations on the allocation of funds from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and it also includes data on the most recovery funds managed by the Government of Puerto Rico.
The purpose of the Transparency Portal is to facilitate access to public information and routinely disclose information on the operation, execution, and management of the Department of Housing as administrator of the CDGB-DR and CDBG-MIT funds.
The Institute was created to promote changes to Puerto Rico’s statistical and data gathering systems, so as to ensure universal and timely access to comprehensive and reliable statistics on Puerto Rico.
The Comptroller of Puerto Rico is accountable for examining all revenues, accounts and disbursements of the State, its agencies, and municipalities to determine whether they conform to the law and regulations.
To ensure a massive reach to citizens, this portal publishes updated information on the services offered by the Government of Puerto Rico, putting into practice the public policy of transparency and open data.
Resources included in this section of the Office of Disaster Recovery Funds CDBG-DR/MIT, the Department of Housing has made available this library of resources to assist their subrecipient in the effective management of funds received.
Cualquier ciudadano puede informar sobre irregularidades en el uso de fondos públicos o que puedan representar el delito de fraude o actos de corrupción pública. Envié un correo electrónico a o presente su queja a través de También puede comunicarse con la línea confidencial de la Oficina del Inspector General (OIG) al 787-679-7979. El denunciante está protegido por ley contra represalias por presentar una queja.